Carrot Orange Yogurt Smoothie Bowl

Creamy smoothie swirls made with FAGE Total Greek yogurt – topped with fruit and nuts, this delicious bowl is an easy breakfast to start your day. 

5 minutes

¾ cup carrot juice

½ cup frozen oranges

1 frozen banana

½ teaspoon ground ginger

2 teaspoons honey

2 cups FAGE Total 5%, FAGE Total 2% or FAGE Total 0%


Dried apricots

Dried cranberries

Sliced almonds

  1. Add carrot juice, oranges, banana, ground ginger, and honey into a blender and mix until smooth.
  2. Add Greek yogurt into a bowl on one side and smoothie on the other. Repeat for the second bowl and top with dried apricots, cranberries, and sliced almonds.
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